Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Struggle to Make Time for God

Brooklyn Museum - The Lord's Prayer (Le Pater Noster) - James Tissot
In a day and time when God is needed more than ever, I find myself struggling to find time for Him. Unfortunately, I know I am not the only one who struggles to find time for God and His Word. So much time is devoted to work, family, friends, leisure and we often find ourselves taking out a couple of hours a week for God. In order to build a personal relationship with God and building an intimate knowledge of His Word, we need more than a church service or two a week.

For me, my increasing workload is becoming  a time consumer. Trying to build my work network and secure work for myself that will meet my needs is time-consuming and energy draining at times. By the time I think to devote a an hour or two in the day to read my Bible I end up reading a chapter or two before I wake up to find that I had fallen asleep. Do not get me word, I do not find the Bible boring. However, when you are tired and your body knows that your daily work is finished, it will begin to shut down on you.

This is when we need to find time within our day to incorporate our study and prayer life. When I am writing I often listen to music, stopping every once in a while to sing a full out. Then I started to think to myself, "Why not listen to the Bible while I work?" 

I found an Android app to download that features basic and dramatic reading of the Bible. For me I choose the dramatic reading because the fervor with which it read makes me stop in the middle of what I am doing to listen more intently and absorb it. Right now I am listening to Ezekiel 16 and it bringing to my mind events that are occurring now in the world with the wickedness of nations coming to light and these nations reaping the bitter fruits of these ways. Had I continued trying to read when my work was finished, I would have fallen asleep long ago. God knows I am telling the truth in this.

I look to gain additional teachings throughout the week by watching teachings online. Dr. Charles Stanley's In Touch Ministries is a favorite as he breaks down Bible principles in an easy to digest manner. These things supplement each other and help me to grow stronger in my faith. 

Also, when we take breaks throughout the day, why not use that time to pray? We can go into our secret closets or pray while we take our afternoon walks at work. When we pray with sincerity God hears us and understands if we cannot always lay prostrate to do so. We can't let our location hinder us from praying. Also, while taking that walk if you feel you can't pray then take that time to listen to the Word instead of music. What better combination that to make our bodies and spirits healthy at once?

In this struggle to make time for God, we have to become creative. I did not think of these things on my own either. I prayed to God when I realized how far I slipped in making time for Him daily. Then these creative ways came to mind. It did not take me long to find the resources either. Remember God will make our paths straight when we seek to do His will.

Resources to aid in making time for God: apps for IPhone, IPad, Android and Online
In Touch Ministries Resources and Broadcasts
Trinity Broadcast Network

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